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C Rejith Kumar

THAPASYA STATE TREASURER (2019 - 2023) 4 years

C. Rejith Kumar's life has been dedicated to activism and organizational leadership. After college, he immersed himself as a full-time activist in the 'Rakshatri Swayam Sevaka Sangh,' demonstrating a commitment to social and cultural causes.

In the sphere of organizational work, Rejith Kumar served as the former Thrissur district campaigner of the 'Rashtriya Swayam Sevaka Sangh,' where he likely played a crucial role in coordinating and advancing the organization's initiatives at the district level.

His engagement extended to Thapasya, where he assumed the role of State Organizing Secretary for an impressive seven years. In this capacity, he likely played a key role in organizing and overseeing the organization's activities, contributing to its growth and impact on cultural and societal fronts.

C Rejith Kumar's long-standing involvement in various organizational roles highlights his dedication to community service, cultural preservation, and social engagement. His leadership roles within these organizations underscore his commitment to fostering positive change and cultural advancement in the communities he has served.